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Montaña rusa/

Mini Shuttle Ride

Capacidad: 20 person
Dimensions: 16*10m

Voltaje: 380V
Poder: 8kW

Track Length: 72m
Track Height: 2m
Material: FRP & Steel

Escenarios de aplicación: Parques de atracciones, Carnavales, Ferias, children's play areas, y lugares de entretenimiento para eventos.


Tel: +86-371-6328 7382
Chusma: +86 15036116306

Correo electrónico:

  • Detalles del producto
  • Indagación

Introducing the Mini Shuttle Ride, a compact and exciting amusement attraction designed and manufactured by our experienced team of professionals. This thrilling ride offers a unique and enjoyable experience for riders of all ages, lo que lo convierte en el complemento perfecto para cualquier parque de atracciones, carnaval, o lugar de entretenimiento.

Our Mini Shuttle Ride features a sleek and attractive design, with colorful lighting and sound effects that enhance the overall experience. The ride is carefully engineered to provide a safe and smooth journey for passengers, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable ride every time. With a compact footprint, Es fácil de instalar y transportar, lo que lo convierte en una opción versátil para varios eventos y ubicaciones.

En nuestras instalaciones de producción de última generación, we utilize the latest technology and highest quality materials to construct each Mini Shuttle Ride to the highest standards. Our team is dedicated to creating innovative and exciting attractions that meet the needs of our customers and provide a memorable experience for riders. Choose the Mini Shuttle Ride for a fun and thrilling addition to your amusement venue.


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