The jump and smile ride is a kind of large outdoor playground equipment. When the equipment is normally running, the cabins fixed with the big arms rise and fall along the central column, overall form large waves, small waves, with the same ups and downs and other ups and downs running ways, all these give tourists thrilling experience. So the jump and smile ride is very suit for large amusement park and playground to operate.
The jump and smile ride is developed based on self control plane, with attractive appearance and bright colors. People control cylinder action through the program to make cabins quickly rise and fall. Ao mesmo tempo,, the cabins is rapidly rotating in the positive and negative directions. Tourists ride on it, exciting, fun. It’s really exciting and fun when play the jump and smile ride.
The jump and smile ride, also called passion jump, is a new playground equipment produced in Our factory. Geralmente existem 12 arms equipped on the equipment, each arm can take 3 Pessoas. Tourists can fully experience the feelings of thrilling and excitement when play jump and smile ride, because of the beautifully designed cabins, dynamic music and rhythm repeated bounce up and down. Visitors enjoy themselves so much when play the jump and smile ride.
Beautiful shape and bright colors, the jump and smile ride is a beautiful scenery of the amusement park.
The running ways of jump and smile ride is rotating as well as the cabins rise and fall at the same time. Usually, self control amusement equipment is that passengers controls the lift according to the switch. While the jump and smile ride is fully automatic lifting with fast lifting frequency.
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